Throwing it out there
I'm not sure if anyone even checks this blog anymore....I've neglected it terribly.
But I have a bunch of ward cookbooks that we (meaning our RS) needs to get rid of. They are 3 ringed, nice & chalk full of recipes. They cost $8.50 + shipping (not much but I need to figure it out). Anyone interested? We over ordered them and are left with lots.
They are great books. Not to toot my own horn but I was in charge of this project towards the end (got called to be RS Enrichment leader amidst the making of the book) and it turned out nice after a ton of work. They come from an actual cookbook press and have some seriously good recipes (including a bunch from my tried and trues ;).
If you are interested, email me and we can take it from there.
I LOVE ward cookbooks. They always have the best recipes! I'd buy one! Let me know! mpakwilk (at) yahoo (dot) com.
I would love one too! Let me know how to get one. Thanks!
I'd be interested in ordering one too. Thanks!
I would be interested in ordering one. ourthreebears(at)gmail(dot)com. I love every ward cookbook I have and I bet yours is awesome.:)
Ooh! I would love to order one!
Thanks Mique!
I would love to order one.
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